Village of Crete

Important information about your service line replacement
The Village’s Contractor will replace all existing lead piping with copper piping, from the first valve inside the house (or at least 18” inside the building envelope, whichever is shorter), to the water main in the street. All associated valves, boxes, and fittings to maintain proper operation of the supply to the house will be replaced or reinstalled.
The methods utilized for Customer water service line replacement will leave the majority of the property undisturbed. The Village will provide a warranty of the material and workmanship of the Customer water service line for 12 months following completion of the construction project.
Service Line Replacement Process
Upon completion of the work necessary to establish the new service connection the Village will restore the Customer’s outdoor property as nearly as practicable to its former condition. The Contractor will minimize indoor disturbance at the Customer’s Property and will also restore the indoor area as nearly as practicable to its original condition.
The Contractor will also require access to the building for a preconstruction inspection with photographs and/or an excavation near the property line with the right-of-way to determine the service line material type.

8 15-412-2015安排预约。