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  • 铅从哪里来?
  • 哪些房屋有铅管?
    根据环境保护署 (EPA) 的说法,1986 年之前建造的房屋更有可能使用可能使家庭饮用水受到铅污染的管道材料。虽然并非适用于所有情况,但众所周知,1960 年之前建造的房屋全用铅管,1960 年至 1986 年之间建造的房屋采用铜、铅和铅焊料的组合建造,1986 年之后建造的房屋全用铜材料。从 1986 年到 2014 年,管道装置(例如水龙头、淋浴喷头)可能含有高达 8% 的铅,并被归类为“无铅”。目前“无铅”装置的标准允许铅含量不超过 0.25%
  • 什么是服务线?谁拥有它?
  • 我如何知道我所在地点是否有铅服务热线?
  • 如果更换了我的铅服务管线,我饮用水中的所有铅都会被去除吗?
    美国水务协会 (AWWA) 建议在更换完所有铅服务管道和私人铅服务管道后进行施工后水质检测,以确定饮用水中是否仍存在大量铅。检测是确定家庭管道内是否仍存在铅的可靠方法。检测费用一般在 20 至 100 美元之间,可在实验室进行。
  • How can I get my water tested for lead?
    Consider testing your water for lead. Below are laboratories that have been certified by the Illinois EPA to test for lead. These are just a few labs that are based in Illinois. For a complete and updated list of laboratories, please visit the EPA’s website at ​ Laboratories will send you the bottles for sample collection. Please note that we are not affiliated with the laboratories and they will charge you a fee. If test results indicate a lead level above 15 ug/L (acceptable level), bottled water should be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, young children, and formula-fed infants. Utility Services Corporation 10525 US HWY 30 Building 12 Wanatah, IN 46390 (219) 759-0193 First Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 1600 Shore Rd. Suite D Naperville, IL 60563 (630) 778-1200 PDC Laboratories, Inc. 2231 W. Altorfer Drive Peoria, IL 61615 (309) 692-9688 Metiri Group- Suburban Labs 1950 S. Batavia Ave. Ste 150 Geneva, IL 60134
  • What are the health risks of lead in drinking water?
    Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. The most common exposure to lead is swallowing or breathing in lead paint chips and dust. However, lead in drinking water can also be a source of lead exposure.


Splash of Water


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